Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Masks, Masks, and More Masks

As I sit here tonight I am thinking of all the different masks that we all wear.
Observations of masks:
1. They are uncomfortable
2. They force us to stay on our toes and constantly be on guard
3. It is extremely lonely behind the mask
4. Masks force us to keep our distance from others
5. They prevent us from having meaningful relationships
6. We are the only one that is fooled by our mask not anyone else
7. God doesn't even see the mask, his eyes pierce right through to the heart
We all wear different ones at different times. At times we all hide behind our masks.
Depending on the occasion, our circumstances, our mood, etc... we throw on a mask to fit our need at that moment. We are afraid to let people see the "real" person we are.
At work, we may wear the mask of authority or power to appear in control.
At home, we may wear the mask of contentment, one that portrays that everythig is ok.
At church, we may wear the self-righteous "I have this God stuff in my life all together".
On and on we go, shuffling on and off from situation to situation, until one day our mask fails us. No matter how good we are at the game, the mask becomes worn and develops cracks in it. And people begin to see the "real" person through the cracks. People sometimes reach out to help us when they begin to SEE what is going on with us . But we pull out the biggest mask of all..the mask of "pride" and this mask does not allow anyone inside.
All masks eventually become a prison that we live in. A prison that we have built up in our mind, built by our own actions, built by losing our "real" self along the way.
It is time that we all remove our masks, and pour our hearts "our REAL hearts" out to God and cast those masks on Him. And find someone...a true friend that we can be accountable to and share our short comings with. Let that true friend inside your walls and masks to help lift you up. It takes a long time to build those masks so it will take time to tear them down also.

Ecclesiates 4:10 (NIV) If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him.

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