Monday, January 26, 2009


Today is Monday! Mondays, Mondays, Mondays! Some of us hate them, some of us look forward to them. Some of us think they are curses and some of us think they are blessings. Over the years (the many 40+ years) I have thought of Mondays in all of these ways.

But these days I would like to think of Mondays as a blessing, another day to serve our Lord. Days to be shared with our family and friends. Days to take time to tell the ones close to us that we love them and how much they mean to us.

If we start to look forward to Mondays it could give us a new perspective.

This weekend our Pastor talked about problems and solving those problems. And today a friend of mine sent me an e-mail about that same exact topic. We all have problems AND they all have solutions. Even if the solution is to wait for now.

Remember taking our problems to God in prayer is the first step. The next best step is to find a close friend to confide in and have them agree with you in prayer. Where two or three are gathered together His name... that is where the solution and power is.

I have learned this from a personal standpoint very recently. Not many of you know me very well, but I am a very private person. Whether this 'be good or 'be bad' this is 'how I be'. I am not one to normally open up and share with people and trusting is very hard for me. But recently I took a step of faith and confided in a dear friend about an issue I had been struggling with for quite a while. She prayed with me and continued to pray. And God began to move and answer our prayers. He went over and above what I ever expected. We serve a BIG God, with all the answers, all the $$, all the manna ...everything we need!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to give you a letter in case you want to play the letter game.

    Your letter is C
