Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Birthday Thoughts

Yesterday, Saturday April 4th was my birthday.
I was without my computer, so I couldn't post.
So, today I decided I would try to think of 45 things
about me that you maay or ay not know and post them.

Wow! it was kinda hard, I was drawing a blank. But I
finally came up with them.

So here goes....

I am a very outgoing, but private person
I love my family, they are very important to me
Friends are essential in life
Church is an absolute first
Love the beach, the sun, the sand, the waves, etc
Love to read books and magazines
I love getting cards in the mail.
I watch HGTV
I like to watch the transformations on "What not to Wear"
I am a Bold personality type and have had to mellow over the years
I am a very Independent person
Movies-I love to watch them especially chic-flicks
Went on a cruise for my 40th b-day and am ready to go on another one
I like Jewelry--rings especially
My birthstone is diamond, but I love sapphires
Rainbows-God made them colorful and special, and I am amazed when I see one
I have a very good memory-this can be good and bad
I have never smoked a cigarette
Don’t drink
Have never taken any hallucinogenic drug. I can trip all by myself.
I am a touchy – feely person
I love the book “The Velveteen Rabbit”
I like ketchup and tomato soup, but not tomatoes
The only seafood I like is shrimp
I like talking with people about relationships and human interaction
I like my peanut butter extra crunchy
I am the oldest of four children
I love to watch the sun rise and set. Settings are more often
I like to surprise people with random gifts
I have always thought it would be fun to send a message in a bottle
I love the sound of rain and the waves crashing and waterfalls
I like getting random gifts, especially flowers from “My Knight”
I enjoy Christian music
I recently started blogging and have enjoyed it so far
I have two grown daughters, they are wonderful blessing from God
I have an amazing husband
My favorite color is brown
My eyes are blue
I like to eat chocolate
I have lived in Florida all of my life
I have been married for 25 years to “My Knight”, he is the love of my life
I have short and hi-lighted hair
I work full time and have since I was 16 yrs old
I am finally leaning to take better care of myself
Saturday April 4th was my 45th b-day!


  1. Happy Birthday!!! Wish I had've known this morning!!!!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! After reading your list, you and I have a lot in common. I have 10 years on you, I'm 55. It is always fun to learn more about folks through their lists. Thanks for sharing! Love & blessings from NC!
