Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This evening as I sit here, reflecting on the last few weeks, I find myself being very thankful for many things in my life. Which I will list a few at the end of this post.
I would like to share something with all of my blogging friends.
For the past few weeks I have been going out of town to visit my family in Panama City. My step-dad (more like my second dad) has been battling Parkinsen's (not sure of the spelling) for the last year or so. My mom has been taking care of him.
About four weeks ago, he went into the hospital for pneumonia, and things started going downhill from there. He continued to get worse...his health, his weight and his memory deteriorated rapidly. My mom and sister were by his side constantly. I was there on the weekends and as much as I could, being that I live out of town. Mr Earl, is his name and he passed away last Sunday in the early hours. I spent all of last week with my mom and family. It was a very difficult and sad time for all of us. Please pray for my mom as she adjust to her new environment. She has a hard few weeks, months ahead. She is so use to caring for someone and now she doesn't know what to do with herself. She is a wonderful, loving, caring person.
Thank you all for the notes of encouragement, sympathy cards, emails, phone calls, etc. It is a times like these that we see who our friends really are.
If any of you have been through something similar to this and have some advise for me to give my mom, I would greatly appreciate it.
God has been soooo Good to me.
I am thankful for:
My wonderful husband, who loves me unconditionally.
My two beautiful daughters and my two sons-in law.
My mom, sister, brothers, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephew.
My friends.
My job.
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