However the pictures do remind us of a Halloween theme.
Ten things I am thankful for today:
1. FAMILY-my wonderful husband, my two daughters, and my two sons-in law. My family is one of the greatest gift God has given me.
2. FRIENDS-the ones I see often, the one I don't see often enough, my internet (facebook and blogging) friends. They all lift me up when I need it. If I tried to name them all I would run out of time.
3. HOME-I love my home that I get to share with my family. A roof over my head, my safe place.
4. HEALTH-I am grateful that I am in good health.
5. I have good EYES-to see: the sunrise, the sunset, the moonlight, people smiling, flowers, trees...all of God's creation.
6. I have good EARS-to hear: all the many different sounds. Sounds of the rain on the roof, birds singing, fire crackling, music, voices (even the ones in my head), etc.
7. I have a good NOSE-to smell: all the wonderful scents I like. Candles, perfume, flowers, cinnamon, the rain (I LOVE to smell the rain), and all the scents of the Holidays.
8. I have two HANDS-to touch and feel. I am a touchy feely person. I like the different textures of fabrics, books, etc.
9. COFFEE-I LOVE coffee. Plain, flavored, iced, whipped (frapped).
10. BLOGGING-I am thankful for blogging. It gives me something interesting to read.

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