Be Appreciative for all your Blessings!!
True blessings are those things in your life that are important--the things that touch your heart and soul.
How does being thankful affect our life? It can be encouraging and uplifting to focus on the things that we are grateful for. It can motivate us to move on...to go forward.
Why is it important for us to be thankful? It keeps us focused on the positives in our life.
Everyone should keep a "Thankful Journal". A place to list the individual things we are thankful for each day. Little things...big things...happy things.

Start your list with little things such as your hot coffee in the morning...or the birds singing...or being able to read your devotion...then move on to the bigger things...your job...your transportation...your home. Then as the day goes on add to the list as you "acknowledge " the blessings you are experiencing. You will be surprised at how the list has grown throughout the day. Journaling could change your whole outlook.
Being thankful will ultimate change our thought process also. Our thoughts will be turned to the gratefulness of our heart and the positive things we have going on. This will keep us from focusing on the negative and the things that bring us down.
Here is a simple statement to start off with... "Thank you Lord for all the blessings and abundance in my life.
My plan for his year includes a "Gratitude Journal" in which I will record at least three things everyday to be thankful for, from THAT day. Hoping for an Attitude of Gratitude to permiate the year.