Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pier Park Visit

A couple of weeks ago we had the privelege of going to Panama City to visit our brand new little nephew. There are pictures from that visit on a previous post.  He is so adorable.  While we were visiting we took the older girls to Pier Park for a couple of hours so that my brother and his wife could have some special time with the brand new baby.

Here are a few pictures from our visit.
July, 23, 2011
 Ms Victoria and Aunt Sheila
Aunt Sheila and Uncle Marty

Ms Victoria, Ms Molly, and Auntie Sheila 

This is a sign in the sandwich shop we ate (our candy) in.

 Uncle Marty

Ms Victoria

Ms Molly

Ms Molly and Ms Victoria 

Riding the Ferris Wheel

Ms Victoria-Riding the balloons
Ms Victoria-Riding the planes

Ms Molly-Riding the planes

We had a blast.  These girls are so much fun! I can't wait until I next visit.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment for me! I appreciate it!

    I hope some of your organizational talents rub off on me. I need to buckle down and get on a schedule.

    Your nephew is adorable.

