Monday, August 15, 2011

Me, Myself and Lies

I am still recovering from surgery and just sitting around the house,  We are on week three now going on week four starting tomorrow.

I have had this book on my shelf for who knows how long. But today as I was scanning the shelves for something to read or jump off the shelf.  Not sure if it is because it is a nice red color, the title or if it was the words that literally jumped of the pages at me as I started to read.

The title of the book is "Me, Myself and Lies" ...subtitle..."Thought Closet Make-over"...
written by Jennifer Rothschild. 

It is about our "thought life" and what we tell ourselves and how we respond.

As I opened the book and began to is what i saw...

What is in your thought closet? 
Words: Spoken or Unspoken have power.
God used words to create. He "spoke" things into being.
Our words have influence.  God's words have power.
Our words don't create or destroy, but they do promote life as they build up or death as they tear down.
Don't asume that only spoken words bring life or death. The unspoken or silent words we speak to ourselves are just as important.

Matthew 12:34 says "From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

Your heart and mind are like containers or treasure chests.  They are full of words many of which you have spoken to yourself over the years.  We use all sorts of words to express who we are.  These words in our treasure chest (containers) consist of roles, personality traits, opinions, emotions, physical traits and even spiritual conditions.

If you could think of your heart and mind as a treasure chest full of words-- what would you find there?  Most of them begin with "I am".  I am wife, mother, friend, secure, insecure, happy, sad, depressed, bored...etc

The words that are in our hearts and minds are the words we use to describe ourselves.  Are you overflowing with words of truth, kindness, and hope?  Or does your treasure chest need some major editing?

The enemy of your soul would love to stifle you with self-condemnation, lies and ill-fitting words so your thoughts become a jumbled mess that controls you.

As you go through the rest of the day, think about what you are thinking.

Is it positive and uplifitng or is it negative and bringing you down?

Think positive...Look up... and start with one thought at a time and change it.

God made you and He love you. He will help you clean up those thought closets.

I have found that at different times in our lives and during the different seasons we find ourselves, we have a different group of words we use. Sometime we are positive in our thoughts and sometimes we are negative. When we find ourself being negative in our thoughts that is when we are to take those thoughts captive and turn them into positive ones.


  1. Hi Sheila,
    I do hope you are doing well and that your recovery is a speedy one. This book sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I will have to keep an eye out for it. It's definitely something I'd like to read. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. What a great message. I'm going to try to find this book.

    Hope you're healing well from your surgery.


  3. I would LOVE to read this book! I bet it's great! Hugs and love to you. Are you better now???

